
When performing an air permeability test for a cement sample, there is no better option than using a Blaine apparatus. The Blaine air permeability test process starts with drawing a known quantity of air through the cement. As the air flows through the cement, you can measure the airflow rate and determine how fine the cement material is.
The most important purchase you’ll need to make to conduct air permeability tests is the Blaine apparatus itself. Forney offers these devices with several accessories, giving you everything you need to get started. With each Blaine apparatus, we include a stainless steel test cell and plunger, a calibrated manometer U-tube, perforated discs, several filter paper discs, and eight ounces of manometer fluid. The apparatus is mounted on a wood panel with a sturdy base.
If you already have a Blaine apparatus and you only need accessories to perform your cement air permeability tests, look no further than our extensive inventory. We sell each item included with the Blaine apparatus kit on an a la carte basis, and we also offer some other important accessories, like an aspirator bulb with a hose.
Do you have questions about Forney’s Blaine apparatus? Are you wondering which accessories you need to conduct an air permeability test on a concrete sample? Contact Forney today and our team members can help you determine exactly what you need to perform tests on your next project. Forney’s representatives know every detail of our product catalog and the Blaine air permeability test process!
- Portland Cement Fineness Standard, SRM 114R, Pack of 20
SKU: LA-4600-35-20
Portland Cement Fineness Standard, SRM 114R, Pack of 20