Calibration Weights Masses

- Calibration Mass Set, Class 4 Traceable, 1 g-100 g
SKU: LA-0483-54
Calibration Mass Set, Class 4 Traceable, 1 g-100 g, stainless steel
- Calibration Mass, Class 4 Traceable, 4000 g
SKU: LA-0483-53
Calibration Mass, Class 4 Traceable, 4000 g
- Metric Weight Set, 1 to 2000 g, Stainless Steel, in box
SKU: LA-0483-05
Metric Weight Set, Stainless, 1 g to 2000 g with Box
- Weight Set, 200 g x 1 mg, ASTM Class 6
SKU: LA-0483-03
Aluminum Weight Set, 200 g x 1 mg, ASTM Class 6
- Calibration Weight. Class F, 50 lb., with Certificate
SKU: LA-0483-20
Calibration Weight. Class F, 50 lb., with NIST Certificate
- Calibration Weight, Class 1, 1000 g
SKU: LA-0483-31
Calibration Weight, Class 1, 1000 g, stainless steel
- Calibration Weight, Class F, 25 lb. with Certification
SKU: LA-0479-89
Calibration Weight, Class F, 25 Lb with Certification
- Calibration Mass, Class 4 Traceable, 500 g
SKU: LA-0483-51
Calibration Mass, Class 4 Traceable, 500 g