ASTM Thermometers

- ASTM Thermometers - General Use Category List
SKU: astm-thermometer-general
FORNEY ASTM thermometers meet ASTM E1. The tubing conforms to exacting specifications for composition and physical properties. Graduations, numbers and letters are deeply etched into the glass and are filled with black or red pigments. All ASTM thermometers are filled above the mercury column with an inert gas under pressure. Thermometers are available with NIST traceable certification. Call 800 367 6397 for more information.
- ASTM Thermometers - Precision Certified Category List
SKU: astm-thermometers-precision-cert
Etched stem mercury-in-glass thermometers manufactured in strict accordance with ASTM and National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly NBS) specifications. Extensively aged and annealed for minimal scale error and extended life.
- ASTM Thermometers - Precision Non-Certified Category List
SKU: astm-thermometers-non-cert
Etched stem mercury-in-glass thermometers manufactured in strict accordance with ASTM and National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly NBS) specifications. Extensively aged and annealed for minimal scale error and extended life.
- Thermometer, General, 20/580°F, 2 Deg. Division, ASTM #2F
SKU: LA-4400-08
Thermometer, General, 20/580°F, 2 Deg. Division, ASTM #2F