California Bearing Ratio

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is one of the most important soil penetration tests, as it is used to evaluate how strong roads and pavement are at the subgrade level. The results can help paving companies determine how thick a layer of pavement is and help them design and implement flexible pavement applications.
CBR testing has been around since the 1920s. Although the methods for performing these evaluations have certainly been refined over the years, the basics remain the same. The preparation process for CBR testing samples is quite similar to Proctor tests, and the penetration resistance results can be compared to the standard reference point of crushed rock aggregate material.
At Forney, we know how vital the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is to your business. That’s why we have a comprehensive selection of bearing test equipment, machines, and apparatuses to help you conduct accurate tests. Our CBR tripod attachment with indicator has a high-quality dial mounted on a sturdy metal tripod, allowing you to accurately and efficiently measure the amount of swell during soaking.
We also offer CBR molds with a six-inch diameter and a perforated base, which you can load your soil samples into before testing. You can find several different styles and sizes of surcharge weights in our inventory as well — including slotted, round, and two-part weights in 5 lb and 10 lb sizes — which you can place on top of your sample within the mold. We even sell ashless filter paper, crepe paper, cutting rings, and plates, giving you the ability to customize your California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests to suit your needs.
No matter your requirements for bearing test equipment, Forney has the tools and accessories to help you complete your CBR tests.
- CBR Slotted Surcharge Weight, 10 Lb (4.5 kg), 8.5 inch Dia.
SKU: LA-3608-01
CBR Slotted Surcharge Weight, 10 Lb (4.5 Kg), 8.5 inch diameter used for field testing.
- CBR Surcharge Weight, 2 part, T 10lb, 5-7/8 inch OD x 2-1/8 inch ID
SKU: LA-3607-01
CBR Surcharge Weight, 2 part,T 10lb, 5-7/8 inch OD x 2-1/8 inch ID
- CBR Slotted Surcharge Weight, 5 Lb (2.27 Kg)
SKU: LA-3608
CBR Slotted Surcharge Weight, 5 Lb (2.27 Kg)