Density - Soils

Soil density testing involves the evaluation and monitoring of a soil sample’s compaction and density characteristics. Testing the density of a soil sample helps determine whether the backfill material used on a construction project has compaction readings that are sufficient to support foundations, highways, and much more. A vital step in this process is testing the soil’s dry density in both field and lab settings. To do so, you’ll need top-quality laboratory and field density test equipment.
Forney offers a wide range of products for soil density evaluations, including our relative density testing apparatus set. This compaction test machine can determine the relative density of cohesionless, free-draining soils using vibratory compaction and pouring funnels to obtain minimum index density. Each set comes with everything you need to test your soil samples: a vibrating table, relative density mold sets, and a relative density gauge set.
Another popular compaction testing equipment option is our relative density mold set. Available in either 0.1 cubic-foot or 0.5 CF sizes, these molds pair with our relative density gauge set to determine volume changes within a soil sample. Other products in our line of field density test equipment include our slide hammer for nuclear gauge soil density evaluations, which uses a sliding weight to easily make probe holes, even in rocky or highly compact soil conditions. We also offer density sand, a sand cone test apparatus, soil probes, steel scraper plates, and more. Forney is truly a one-stop shop for density testing lab and field tools.
- Steel Scraper Plate, nuclear gauge site prep
SKU: LA-6205
Steel Scraper Plate, nuclear gauge site prep
- Sand Cone Apparatus Set, 6.5 inch (165mm)
SKU: LA-3200-02
Includes a 1-gal. (3.79L) threaded plastic jar and detachable double cone.